FAQs - Evensong - Notes from the Choir

Is this just another QuireMemes parody?

No! It's a real thing that exists. No, it's not a windup - though you are forgiven for thinking it might have been.

When will it be published? I need this in my life!

It will be published ahead of the launch - date TBC! Watch this space.

Where can I buy it? What if I don't live in the UK?

Paperbacks and eBooks will be sold via Amazon, published through our own Quires and Places imprint. This is not just amazon.co.uk, but also .com, .ca, etc. 

Paperbacks and hardbacks will also be available separately through our website, and at the official launch on Wednesday 14 May.

How much will the book cost?

eBooks: £6.99 

Paperbacks: £11.99 

Hardbacks: £17.99 (available for retailers to order, though with some limited availability here)

What if I don't want to use Amazon?

This is a fair question, and one I've wrestled with.

Paperbacks and eBooks are published through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. 

Hardbacks however are being published through IngramSparks, which also ensures the book will be available for wholesale purchase by other booksellers. If you want to see it in your local bookshop - let them know about it! 

Slightly longer detail: while traditional publishing is significantly preferable, the niche-ness of the subject has made publishers wary (despite being reassuringly complimentary about the contents of the book). Self-publishing, or vanity publishing, is risky, expensive, and time-consuming, none of which is ideal or, to a practicable degree, possible. The middle-ground is print-on-demand, followed (ideally) with traditional publisher pickup. For now, this combination of Amazon and IngramSparks is a realistic solution. 

I ordered a ticket for the launch - does that include the paperback or hardback?

The tickets for the launch include a paperback copy.

What if I want to come to the launch but don't want a book because I'm coming with my partner and we don't need two copies (or because I already bought a copy)?

You can select the "Just the ticket" option.

I bought the "ticket with book" option for the launch - can I get my book delivered in advance if it'll be published already by then?

Yes, of course. We'll be in touch with launch ticket holders to ask this question and obtain delivery address details. 

Do you anticipate your book fanning the flames of any particular choral/liturgical schisms? Should we take sides now? Will you be selling stickers/badges/buttons/pins accordingly?

Oh, quite possibly.